Guest Lecturer, Sothebys Institute, Under-Graduate Exchange Students (2024)
Delivered an inspiring lecture, to undergraduate exchange students at Sothebys Institute. We dove into my practice and explored how I blend artistry with entrepreneurship. The lecture tied in nicely with a group session at the end, where the students came up with fresh ideas that could align with my art direction.
Guest Lecturer, Sothebys Institute, Post-Graduate Students (2024)
I guest lectured at Sothebys Institute MA students. Through this lecture I explored the intersections of mental health, artistic growth, and philanthropy during Mental Health Awareness Month. From a journey of self-discovery to a platform for change, I’m grateful for the opportunity to reflect and inspire.
Guest Lecturer at University of East London (UEL) Post-Graduate Students (2024)
Returning to the University of East London was truly inspiring. I had the opportunity to engage with post-graduate students pursuing their MA, sharing insights from my corporate background and illustrating how those experiences shape my strategic approach to marketing. Additionally, I discussed how these strategies inform my journey as an emerging artist.
Guest Lecturer at UEL (University Of East London) Foundation Year Students (2024)
The University of East London invited me as a guest lecturer to speak with their foundation year students about my practice and experience as an artist. During this lecture, we explored topics such as identity, culture, and artistic language, and how these concepts can be translated into their own works.